Mr. Zeppelin Regrets... (Jan. 1972)

Mr. Zeppelin Regrets... (Jan. 1972)

News Report: Zep & Co -- Led Zeppelin’s manager, Peter Grant, has respectfully informed Mr. Bernard Chevry, Commissaire General for the Midem conference in Cannes this year, that Mr. Zeppelin and his band would not be appearing.

At this point in history, you could probably mention Zeppelin to a recluse Appelachian hick and he’d return by praising Jimmy Page, but the organizer for the whole of Midem, one of the biggest annual events each year, sent a letter cordially inviting “LED ZEPPELIN and his musicians” to participate in Midem’s International Groups Night – further stating that “LED ZEPPELIN and his group” would be their guests during their stay in Cannes.

Biggest disaster since the Hindenburg? Mr. Zeppelin was unavailable for comment. [January 1972]



News Report: Zep & Co -- Led Zeppelin’s manager, Peter Grant, has respectfully informed Mr. Bernard Chevry, Commissaire General for the Midem conference in Cannes this year, that Mr. Zeppelin and his band would not be appearing.

At this point in history, you could probably mention Zeppelin to a recluse Appelachian hick and he’d return by praising Jimmy Page, but the organizer for the whole of Midem, one of the biggest annual events each year, sent a letter cordially inviting “LED ZEPPELIN and his musicians” to participate in Midem’s International Groups Night – further stating that “LED ZEPPELIN and his group” would be their guests during their stay in Cannes.

Biggest disaster since the Hindenburg? Mr. Zeppelin was unavailable for comment. [January 1972]


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